Welcome to Your Enemy, Your Friend

This is a new ‘Way of Life’ Education that will change everything you used to believe was right, real and true about Personal Happiness / Serenity & Relationship Fulfilment.

The series consists of two books, titled FOREVER & ALWAYS - that intelligently challenge antiquated, rudimentary and disrespectful notions of human being’ - to reveal HOW & WHY the <<< conventional mindset >>> unconsciously prevents us from acquiring these precious commodities in any substantial way.

More importantly, you will discover WHO you must become to reacquire Personal Happiness / Serenity & Relationship Fulfilment in abundance. 

The approach is predicated on FIVE KEY THEMES that together define the thematic landscape upon which, critical 'way of being' insights can be expressed, conveyed, understood, and mapped to your personal situation.

This work is NOT rule book. it is designed to help release your mind from conventional, rudimentary, antiquated and confining behavioural constraints that coerce and that direct you to play somebody else's 'Game of Life' rather than yours - because your 'Game of Life' is the only game that you can ever hope to win!

The process is straightforward. It consists of three phases that occur in any/every order: Realisation, Reinvention & Transformation. But you’ll have to invest yourself to acquire what you need or nothing will come of it.

If you're NOT up for that…

I suggest you go fold a napkin into lovely shapes..
Return when you're ready to play your 'Game of Life' - to WIN !

Who is Ari Stathopoulos?

Ari Stathopoulos is the creator and author of the Your Enemy, Your Friend 'Way of Life' Education. The two books, Forever & Always are changing lives with raw, practicality and unashamed political indifference, in a world where playing your ‘Game of Life’ as a game of ‘worthwhile’ can be understood as the balance between material success and Emotional Sophistication that makes sense for you.

In the end - I really am no one, and it matters not because the ONLY question worth answering is: Who do YOU wish to be?

What you can expect from the experience?

This education  enables you to achieve two key goals:

  • Overcome Personal & Relationship disenchantment

  • Circumvent systemic, persistent, cumulative behavioural obsolescence

Whether you choose to read the books or enroll in a tailored experience to acquire the skills for achieving Profound Serenity - you must be be prepared to:

  • Question what you were taught to believe is right, real and true.

  • Re-comprehend the relationship that you have with you and with the external world.

  • Question your 'way of being' philosophy and discover how you can revise it into 'today'.

  • Unlearn counterproductive, disrespectful ‘way of life’ doctrines that confine you.

  • Acquire emotional sophistication into your personal & relationship psychology.

  • Confront gross inadequacies known to typically characterise the conventional mindset.

  • Accept that you are disenchanted / disappointed and most likely, pretending it away.

  • Expose rudimentary belief systems that prevent you from outgrowing your captivity.

  • Identify antiquated notions of happiness that perpetuate an unrealisable fiction.

  • Reveal behavioural constraints that prevent you from acquiring your life possibilities.

  • Identify lingering, incoherent principles for living that cause emotional distress.

  • Unveil sources of learned inner conflict lingering where they do not belong.

  • Deprecate rudimentary notions of personal happiness in favour of personal serenity.

  • Intercept & deconstruct undesirable thoughts that trigger unpalatable behaviour.

  • Identify elusive emotional intelligence deficits that control you without permission.

  • Re-engage with instincts that you were taught to learn away.

  • Abandon your fixation with identity and importance and become a person of value.

  • Replace that fictional sense of entitlement with a confident gratitude & appreciation.

  • Come face to face with the fractured truths that we tell ourselves to justify our actions.

  • Embrace rather than deny personal vulnerabilities to become stronger and wiser.

  • Re-comprehend the value of material successes and rewards in a practical world.

  • Distinguish irrational thinking and behaviour for what it is rather than what you prefer.

  • Discover personal and relationship authenticity despite believing you don’t need to.

  • Own the transition to - being the best person that you can be at all times.

  • Let go of negatively charged preconceptions before engaging others.

  • Accelerate the discovery of what you don't know that you don't know / but need to.

  • Appreciate the significance of ‘Now Moments’ in the context of the greater NOW.

  • Calculate the trajectory of your life to determine if you’re travelling well.