Greater Awareness...

  • Knowing more about what - you didn’t know that you didn’t know - about you, the world around you, and your relationship to all aspects of that world - beginning with the relationship that you have with yourself.

  • A Greater Awareness mindset enables new, alternate ‘way of life’ possibilities to emerge for you - that could not otherwise become available.

Emotional Freedom...

  • A ‘way of life’ that is free from fictional, illogical, irrational, unreasonable, and immaterial behavioural constraints.


  • The first thing to note about happiness is that human beings are not designed to be perpetually happy in the strict sense or common understanding of the word. It isn’t necessary, and it isn’t functionally prudent or useful; nor could it be sustained, because we are not wired that way.

  • Neither are we designed to be perpetually unhappy. Actually, a state of perpetual unhappiness is typically diagnosed as clinical depression, and nobody really wants that. But not being perpetually happy, doesn’t equate to being unhappy in any way.

  • In fact, our optimal operational parameters (certainly for prolonged periods) are to be neither happy nor unhappy per se, rather, to simply ‘be’ – effectively occupying the space between happiness and unhappiness, poised, ready to navigate the happiness/unhappiness spectrum as an outcome of how we respond to life occurring for us.

  • Critically, how we respond to life occurring is a function of who we are being, and who we are being, is largely influenced by our understanding of the difference between General Happiness and Personal Happiness, or what I like to call Personal Serenity.

General Happiness…

  • A sense of pleasure, enjoyment, accomplishment, or satisfaction, that we can acquire from either an internal experience or from interactions with the external world, but which is transient and perishable, in nature, such that to retain this commodity we must remain in perpetual pursuit of new instances; because the fulfilment ‘effect’ (novelty and reward) of each occurrence diminishes over time, so is unable to fill the Emotional Deficit left behind.

    • Emotional Deficit: can be thought of as the condition of being emotionally unfulfilled. It is typically accompanied by persistent feelings of disenchantment, and a compelling determination to rectify the deficit, often and unfortunately with transient and perishable commodities.

Personal Happiness / Serenity

  • A state of being wherein events occurring in the external world, or situations unfolding in your mind through your thoughts cannot govern or control you without your permission. It is a layer of behavioural governance through which we engage life as it occurs for us.

  • Personal Serenity is alignment with yourself. You are accepting of ‘you’. You are balanced, confident, grateful, appreciative, and content, because you know your value, love who you are, and are in control of your emotional faculties.

  • You embrace your ‘Now Moments’ (by virtue of not rushing past them towards the ones that follow) knowing that they will arrive in their own time and that you will be ready for them when they do.

  • Unlike General Happiness, Personal Serenity is enduring in nature but also remains a work in progress that is reinforced through consistent effort and focused attention with practices that include mediation, and pursuits such as those of Greater Awareness, and Emotional Sophistication - which is what this work is fundamentally about.

  • Personal Serenity is what most people looking for happiness are wanting to acquire, but fail to do so because General Happiness is the only kind of happiness they know. Those who succeed in this undertaking will quickly notice their relationship with General Happiness instances transform from one of pursuit (predominantly) - to one of experience.

Relationship Fulfilment / Madness...

  • The experience of a mutually loving and respectful relationship with your life-partner/s that is underpinned by real Emotional Freedom and Personal Serenity, such that there is nothing to hide, and nothing to run away from.

  • Authentic Relationship Fulfilment creates the opportunity to re-experience lust, romance and adventure, in a life/partner relationship where the conventional novelty has long since expired.

Profound Serenity...

  • The outcome of the above, made manifest by the absence of Personal Unhappiness in whatever way, shape, or form that makes sense - for you.