Rest assured

The conflict introduced in this work is deliberate. It is intended to evoke emotion and to trigger an authentic response to information that conflicts with our deeply ingrained beliefs, values and preferences. Exposing our response behaviour in the moment that it is triggered, compels us to become immediately present to it, which prevents us from ignoring it away.

As both your enemy & your friend

I guide you through a confrontational credibility assessment of antiquated & rudimentary belief & value systems through fascinating relationship lenses, that include marriage, romance, religion, education, science, politics, economics, the workplace and quite remarkably, food & diet - which turn out to be as frightening as they are compelling.

Along our journey

I direct you to incoherent principles for living that disrespect our essential humanity by frustrating our capacity for genuine emotional development, dismissing our critical need for real emotional freedom and leaving us shackled to a way of life anomaly that almost imperceptibly creates a cumulative disenchantment.


We examine how to properly love, and to live a life without the unbearable weight of irrational and subversive constraints that under-nourish our community psyche to the point of emotional famine. Constraints that unfortunately do not reveal themselves as constraints until we have understood what to look for.


We identify commonplace behaviours that reveal unexpected sources of inner conflict & contradiction, unsurprisingly, in places where they are not supposed to be.

We also explore the concept of Emotional Evolution using practical, tangible qualities and reveal fascinating possibilities for living that will make a conventional person’s head explode with confusion - followed closely by anticipation.

For the very first time

You will know what it ‘is’ to love what you see when you look in the mirror and you can finally begin spending less time on your reflection and your circular personal concerns and more time on the world around you,which incidentally, is in need of your attention. The one that requires you to play your 'Game of Life' to make a difference.