Formula for a 'Relationship Catastrophe'

Formula for a 'Relationship Catastrophe'

Imagine that the honeymoon period has been over for a while now. You have children, you have bills, you have debt, you have obligations, you’re both working longer and longer hours, your combined work life commitments steer you steadily in different directions for the greater part of most days, you are tired more often than not - and since time remaining at day’s end is typically precious little, you’re no longer looking after yourself quite as well as you used to. You can feel it and you can see it, but you pretend it away because something similar is happening to everybody else.

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The BIGGEST relationship fulfilment obstacle that you will face is right in front of you - Every Day !

The BIGGEST relationship fulfilment obstacle that you will face is right in front of you - Every Day !

After 10 or 15 years together, you will know your partner pretty well and may even love that person deeply - BUT - there's also a lingering, routine familiarity that casts a shadow of unappealing predictability over your relationship, that you have learned to reluctantly accept because you are taught that this picture represents what 'happy people' in 'proper relationships' look like.

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Fifteen years into the relationship, work, children, debt, life…

Fifteen years into the relationship, work, children, debt, life…

Imagining a life-partner relationship that you desire, is only necessary when you do not already have it. But to create it, you must acquire 'REAL Emotional Freedom' and that will take a little time and a lot of courage because the obstacles are considerable. The questions is: Do you have that kind of courage ??? OR will you choose to live out your llife travelling in the same undesirable direction, pretending none of this is true, all the while expecting things to change and never realising that it is actually YOU preventing that change from ever occurring?

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9 out of 10 people still have no idea why they lose their mind when their partner cheats…

9 out of 10 people still have no idea why they lose their mind when their partner cheats…

Contrary to popular 'belief confusion' - relationship cheating is not the act of doing something that your partner doesn't agree with, such as the dreaded - engaging in an intimate relationship with someone else. Especially is you have advised your partner that you wish to do so.
That's right...! A betrayal such as that of cheating, is doing something in secret that you agreed to NOT ever do, thereby breaking the trust. Yet in the case of the conventional mindset, both situations will likely trigger similar levels of anger and resentment and they will be treated as though they are the same thing. The common denominator of course - is the desire for sex and intimacy from a person other than your partner. If not for that, as way of life principles go, we're not too bothered by how fragrantly we breach them.

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Acquire the Emotional Intelligence SHIFT needed.....

 Acquire the Emotional Intelligence SHIFT needed.....

Acquire the Emotional Intelligence SHIFT needed to confront lingering Existential Obsolescence… Do it while you still can…

Existential Obsolescence occurs from an involuntary refusal to explore a new idea, accept another point of view or try on an alternate perspective that either conflicts with or contradicts what you have learned to believe is right real or true.  It is especially present, when that refusal only perpetuates an already undesirable situation such as your personal unhappiness.

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Read About Forever...

Read About Forever...

"There are only two kinds of people that can tell you the truth about yourself. An enemy who has lost his temper and a friend who loves you dearly." - Antisthenes, 445-365 BC.

Your Enemy, Your Friend, is a ‘way of life’ education that will change everything you used to believe was right, real and true about personal happiness and relationship fulfilment. The series consists of two books, titled Forever & Always – that intelligently challenge everyday notions of human being. They reveal how and why the conventional mindset unconsciously prevents us from acquiring these precious commodities in any substantial way, but more importantly, they describe ‘who’ we must become, in order to reacquire them in abundance. The journey takes place as a conversational monologue that centres and pivots on five key themes: Greater Awareness, Emotional Freedom, Personal Happiness, Relationship Madness & Profound Serenity - in whatever way makes sense for you.

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Can you spot the miracle...?

Can you spot the miracle...?

In all probability, each of us appears to have ONE and only ONE lifetime available to us. Critically, it consists of an unknown duration that could end abruptly at any moment and THAT can be scary. In a world that is rapidly adopting corporate values into ‘Way of Life’ frameworks by, for example, promoting unnatural, superficial (almost cartoonish-like) gestures of excitement as ‘Way of Being’ behavioural guidelines, approximating laughter, happiness and authenticity and teaching risk mitigation as premise for accomplishment - living properly can appear a little scary. So scary, in fact, that we might be learning to take it far too seriously, rather than treating it the way that we should; like the game that it is intended to be. Sure the rewards are quite real and as you will know, the consequences are entirely flippin’ real and that right there is every point there is. THAT - is the reason that your ‘Game of Life’ should be the most exciting game you will ever get to play. So Play it like you Mean it – since, as it happens, you simply cannot afford the alternative.

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