Acquire the Emotional Intelligence SHIFT needed.....

Acquire the Emotional Intelligence SHIFT needed to confront lingering Existential Obsolescence… Do it while you still can…

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Existential Obsolescence occurs from an involuntary refusal to explore a new idea, accept another point of view or try on an alternate perspective that either conflicts with or contradicts what you have learned to believe is right real or true.  It is especially present, when that refusal only perpetuates an already undesirable situation such as your personal unhappiness.

Your Enemy, Your Friend - is a 360 degree reinterpretation of Emotional Wellbeing that tackles Existential Obsolescence to the ground with a ferocious appetite for real change.  This book, Forever, is an Emotional Wellbeing revolution that focuses on ‘who’ we are being in our partner relationships - as an outcome of 'who' we are being with ourselves - because it is essentially the same equation: THE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOURSELF DICTATES THE RELATIONSHIP THAT YOU WILL HAVE WITH EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD. The journey takes place as a conversational monologue that centres and pivots on five key themes :

Greater Awareness:   Knowing a little more of what you didn’t know you didn’t know.

Emotional Freedom:  A way of life that is free from fictional, illogical, unreasonable and disrespectful behavioural constraints.

Personal Happiness:  A state of being where events taking place in the external world cannot govern or control you without your permission.

Relationship Fulfilment Madness:  The experience of loving another hu¬man being profoundly whilst being loved unconditionally in return. A relationship that you do NOT want to be absent from because it is entirely real, it is honest and it is authentic and yet - it remains lustful, romantic, eventful, adventurous and fun. So there is nothing you need to hide and to nothing to run away from.

Profound Serenity:  The outcome from all of the above in the way that makes sense for YOU !

So invest in it, read it, dance a little with it then frame it and hang it on your wall - so that you can have something to salute when you wake up in the morning. Have fun with it. Learn to flow !~