Searching for meaning? Get yourself a dictionary!

If you want to properly live, STOP searching for meaning!  If you want to play your 'game of life' to WIN, let go of the fictional and irrational constraints holding you captive to a life of servitude, hypocrisy and inevitable failure.

Learn to live as though life and death have NO meaning and immortality has NO value. If you find meaning somewhere, rest entirely assured that YOU put it there - and since you put it there, it is only a reflection of your state of mind rather than any actual universal reality. Importantly, if it's negative, then you will have yourself an invaluable insight into your state of mind.

You should know that, without having to account for the administrative overhead of meanings that you invent, you will more easily CHOOSE the life that you desire, then BECOME the person that you MUST be in order to achieve your life goals. On that point, a very large part of any healthy 'Way of Life' equation is to EMBRACE the consequences of your choices and your actions so that you can OWN every aspect of your life journey.

This is what taking on the responsibility of your life actually looks like. This, is what the people you admire are doing without even realising that they are doing it. They are IN THE ZONE of living - like it's their last day on Earth. TIP of the day: You know you're NOT in the zone when you hear yourself requesting that you get into the zone.